British Airways and Grazia commercial partnership. 

Create Lead and Photographer: Highlighting the hidden gems of Las Vegas to the Grazia reader we created a campaign that used QR codes in print to drive the audience to a video and creative page housed on Grazia's website. This showcased 3 videos and additional informative content about the destination with drivers to book online and a competition Q&A mechanic. I worked on the user journey as well as creatively led the team on producing the creative pages. I also acted as photographer producing imagery that is in line with Grazia's brand guidelines that sat over a 4 page heavy stock centre piece.

Creative Lead and Photographer: Emma Hampson-Jones
Art Director: Vaneesa Clover-Nichols
Senior web designer and developer: Simon Martin 
Web Designer: Tyrone Mazarura
Web Developer: Sameer Sahabudeen
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